Go from overwhelmed to

to confident as you homeschool your kids with dyslexia and ADHD

The Homeschool Essentials Courses have helped hundreds of famlies.

Build Confidence

Understand what kinds of learning make the biggest impact on your struggling learners so you can teach them with confidence.

Learn Strategies

From mindsets and attitudes about learning to meeting academic goals, learn the most effective strategies for teaching your kids.

Know Your Priorities

Confidently choose and plan for the highest priorities in your home and homeschool for your unique family.

Purchase a Homeschool Essentials Course 

How the Homeschool Essentials Courses Work

  • Choose your level: Elementary, Middle, or High School
  • Gain access to the 4 teaching videos customized for each age range
  • Watch the sessions on your own at your convenience
  • Session 1: How Brain Development and Learning Differences Impact Learning
  • Session 2: Specific Teaching Needs and Methods
  • Session 3: Strategies and Tools for Overcoming Common Obstacles in Your Homeschool
  • Session 4: Putting it All Together to Form a Customized Plan for Your Unique Family's Needs
  • Download the Planning and Assessment Workbook
  • Create a learning plan for your unique family

Hey there, I'm Marianne!
I know exactly what it is like to be filled with doubt about homeschooling kids with dyslexia and ADHD.

In fact, I started my web site, Homeschooling With Dyslexia, to encourage parents and help them avoid many of the struggles I experienced when I first began homeschooling over 25 years ago. I had no idea what dyslexia was and one after the other, 7 of my 8 kids ended up with what I now call a learning difference called dyslexia.

Since those early days of doubt and confusion, I have learned a TON about not only what the research says about dyslexia and ADHD but about what the day-to-day parenting and teaching is like.

Five of my 7 dyslexic kids have graduated from high school and are doing great! And to be honest, I certainly had my doubts along the way.

I watched my kids go from struggling learners to successful entrepreneurs and graduating from college with honors. I have a unique perspective to be able to look back at their education and see what was important and what wasn't.

I love sharing with other parents the things I've learned. I want you to find the peace, confidence, and success that our family has. It isn't as difficult as you may think.

Let me help you gain the confidence and skills you need to teach your kids the way they learn so they can grow up to be thriving, successful adults.

My Homeschool Essentials Courses help you have the insight and information you need to confidently teach your kids with dyslexia and ADHD at home.

Here's what you'll learn

I receive emails everyday from parents just like you. Parents who want to give their kids with learning differences the best home education possible. However, because they lack knowledge and experience, they are filled with doubt and overwhelm. In the Homeschool Essentials Courses, I share everything wish I'd known when I was beginning to homeschool my struggling learners.



In session 1 you will learn how brain development AND language-based learning difficulties like dyslexia affect learning. Kids with dyslexia learn differently and on a different time table and that is 100% normal! In this session, you will learn what to expect and how to accommodate your child's learning differences so your teaching is way more meaningful and effective.


Teaching Needs & Methods

This session builds on session 1 by sharing what methods of teaching best match up to our kids' unique learning needs. Kids who learn differently need to be taught differently!


Overcoming Obstacles

In this session you will learn about 5 of the most common obstacles parents experience when homeschooling their kids with dyslexia and ADHD. You will leave this session with an arsenal of tools and strategies to overcome even the most persistent homeschool struggles.


Putting it All Together

This session is like a mini planning retreat that you can do on your own and at your own pace. Here you will put together everything you have learned to choose the things to prioritize in your unique home and homeschool. 

Since working with Marianne. I am much more at peace. I am no longer worried and I am less stressed. I have tools to implement and a much more realistic perspective of how to approach teaching a dyslexic child. Marianne's wealth of information and experience have been so helpful. Her calm and reassuring demeanor are helpful to those of us who get really worked up and need to just slow down and take a deep breath. Jenny 

Before working with Marianne, I was discouraged and worried that I wasn't accomplishing enough. Most of all it really bothered me that we weren't experiencing the peaceful, relaxed atmosphere I had always envisioned for our family.After working with Marianne, I feel much more peace. It's given me the vision of what a successful homeschool for dyslexics looks like. I have been able to re-prioritize my time and feel confident knowing that I am spending my time and energy on the areas that are the most valuable for the academic progress of my children. Hannah 

Before working with Marianne, I was feeling alone and isolated, not sure I was doing anything right, couldn't figure out what resources to use, or how to approach my son's homeschooling. After working with Marianne, I feel more relaxed. I have more understanding and patience for my son's unique learning style and how his brain works differently from mine. I'm more compassionate, and able to listen more deeply to what he needs, rather than what I feel that I need him to learn. Raven 

I used to struggle to understand the inner workings of my dyslexic kids. I knew I needed to teach them differently and that there was so much more to it than I could see on the surface. After working with Marianne, I have better understanding of what my son and daughter are going through and I have more tools to walk with them side by side. Rene 

I was struggling to understand my kids' learning struggles and how to teach them. After working with Marianne, I have much more confidence. Now I have a broad understanding of some of the things my kids struggle with. After working with Marianne, I have good grasp on the areas they struggle with. Thank you for being clear, concise, practical, and informative. Sarah 

Since working with Marianne, I have a huge boost in confidence. Confidence in the value of what I am accomplishing daily with each child. Confidence in what each of my children need at various developmental levels. Confidence in how to recognize each of my children's unique giftings and how to develop the best learning environment outside of textbooks to help each of them blossom into the successful persons they were created to be. Jennifer

Purchase a Homeschool Essentials Course